Creating Songs The CREATE function on the main menu allows you to enter and create songs and lyrics through the following options: CREATE NEW SONG - Erase the current song and display a blank staff ENTER MELODY - Enter or edit melody line of song ADD HARMONY - Enter or edit harmonizing note below melody note ADD LYRICS - Enter or edit lyrics below staff ADD CHORDS - Enter or edit guitar chord notation above staff COPY NOTES - Copy a section of notes DELETE NOTES - Delete a section of notes TRANSPOSE SONG - Transpose entire song up or down in pitch Using the first five functions, you can transfer a song from a book or piece of sheet music into the computer and have the program play it for you, or you can create songs and lyrics of your own. COPY NOTES and DELETE NOTES can be used to copy or delete entire sections of a song. Sections of songs can also be moved around by first copying a section and then deleting the original section. TRANSPOSE SONG lets you transpose a song between different key signatures simply by hitting an up or down arrow key. To enter a new song, select CREATE NEW SONG to erase the current song and display a blank staff. If you plan to enter a song from a book or piece of sheet music, you should be sure to set the "Key Signature" properly before entering any notes. The key signature is determined by the number of #'s or b's on the far left side of the staff. CREATE NEW SONG will ask you if you wish to change the key signature. If the key signature currently displayed is different from the one in the song you are about to enter, hit F1 when prompted by CREATE NEW SONG and change the key signature control setting as appropriate. Next, use ENTER MELODY to create the melody line. This option provides a wide range of functions for placing notes on the staff and editing their pitch and timing. If you are entering a song from a book or piece of sheet music you can put several notes on the screen and then move them up and down with the arrow keys, and change their timing with the + and - keys to match the notes in the song you are entering. If you wish to create a song of your own, you can use the TRANSCRIBE NOTES selection from within ENTER MELODY. TRANSCRIBE NOTES allows you to create songs just by playing on your computer keyboard like a piano. As you play on the keyboard the notes are displayed instantly on the score display with proper pitch and timing information. After playing in the last note, remember to hit the ESCAPE key to tell the program that you are done. This will return you to the ENTER MELODY menu so that you can edit the notes you just entered if you like. If you have a Tandy 1000 SL/TL compatible computer, TRANSCRIBE NOTES will also let you enter songs just by singing into a microphone and tapping on the computer's spacebar. As you tap, the notes you sing are placed onto the musical staff with the correct pitch and timing. For best results you should hold the microphone close to your mouth and sing at a slow to moderate pace, tapping at the beginning of each note. Once you have entered a melody line, you can hit ESCAPE to return to the ENTER MELODY menu and then have the computer play it back by moving the cursor to the beginning of the song and hitting the = key, or by tapping on the spacebar. Any note that sounds off-key can be easily corrected by positioning the cursor under the note and using the up or down arrow keys to change its pitch. When you've finised entering the melody line of your song you can return to the CREATE menu and use the ADD LYRICS option to type in words below the notes. You may also wish to add a second voice below the melody line with the ADD HARMONY option, and add guitar chord notation above the staff with ADD CHORDS. If you wish to create multiple verses of a song, you can enter a single verse as described above and then use COPY NOTES to copy the verse one or more times and ADD LYRICS to enter the lyrics of the additional verses.